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Our programmes are designed to support Parents, as well as Children & Young People.

Parenting is said to be one of the hardest jobs in the world, and we could all do with a little bit of support sometimes to try to be the best parents we can be, while keeping the balance of a social life, community and a sense of who we are.

That’s why, at The Gifted, we have develop projects that support you, as a parent, and help to build a network around you.

Legacy projects include; Parent Plug In and The Fatherhood Project, funded by the Peoples Health Trust.


Become a Parent Ambassador 

The Gifted Organisation are looking for parents and carers who would like to work with us by supporting the well-being and development of children and young people. 

Parent Ambassadors engage with The Gifted in a voluntary capacity. We will provide training on our workshops, safeguarding and child protection. These opportunities can lead to paid work.

As a parent ambassador you would:

  • Promote The Gifted Organisation’s values and the services provided by us
  • Advocate for the needs, wishes and feelings of children and young people 
  • Provide feedback and insights to The Gifted from a parent’s perspective 
  • Represent The Gifted in community settings and among our partner/ stakeholders
  • Report to our management team and trustees by sharing your knowledge, views and concerns 


Interested? Get in touch.

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