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Our Butterfly Extra programme provides specialist support for those with additional needs and more complex lives.

Butterfly Extra

Could this programme help you?

Butterfly Extra is an eight to twelve session programme that provides additional longer-term more specialist support for children and young women aged 10-18 years with additional needs and complex lives.

Using evidence-based interactive tools and exercises, participants are supported to:

  • Identify and discuss complex issues that affect their self esteem and self image
  • Raise their aspirations
  • Design realistic paths to achieving their goals

We deliver this programme in Schools, alternative education settings such as Pupil Referral Units, Care Homes, Community Settings and as 1-2-1 workshops.


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Butterfly 1-2-1

Butterfly Extra 121

The Butterfly 1-2-1 is for young women who are experiencing particular difficulties and for whom settings are challenging or inappropriate.

Young women often start with the 1-2-1 and then graduate to a group programme or they run alongside the Butterfly Extra programme.

You can self-refer on to our Butterfly Project, although we will require parental/ guardian consent.

PJ, 13

“I learned that things could be worse and how to express who I really am. I found out what makes me confident and happy and how to choose the right paths.”

DF, 13

“I wanted to know how to feel confident and how to feel happy about myself. I now understand that I am beautiful on the inside, no matter what. I have many people in my life which make me confident and I need to pay attention to those things which may raise my self esteem and concentrate on what makes me happy.”

MM, 13

“Before these sessions I wanted to know how to cope with temporary bursts of self-hate. I have now learned how to acknowledge my own beauty and that everyone is beautiful, as well as how to talk to myself more positively so I can continue to work towards loving myself.”

NM, 13

“I wanted to know how to boost my self-confidence and get over bad memories. I have learned that there are some pretty things about me, and I now understand how to love and respect myself more. Everyone is pretty in their own way.”

KH, 13

“Before the sessions I wanted to learn how to feel better in myself and why girls cause drama. I have learned to be more grateful and to do more with my dad, and that I should love and be kinder to myself.”

KA, 13

“I felt insecure before the sessions and wanted to know how to feel beautiful and confident. I now don’t care about what people have to say, they can go on with their lives. I know that there are always people out there that I can talk to who will listen.”

AB, 14

“I’ve learned not to listen to what people say and that no matter what people think, you’re always beautiful. I now know how things can build up my self esteem and not to doubt myself, and to keep doing good things, not bad.”

A, 13

“I wanted to know how to be more confident and I have learnt not to let people’s words hurt me, and not to care about what people say. I also wanted to learn how to not have so many fights. I have learned that not all beauty is on the inside and how to accept my beauty and to ignore people’s negativity. I don’t need to be pressured and let myself get into bad situations. I now know how to stop getting into situations I don’t want to be in.”

AC, 13

“I was excited to find out how to feel good about myself. I have learned that my insecurities are great and that no matter what anyone says, I am beautiful. I will try to ignore what people say and try to compliment myself more. Some people can make your day no matter what, so I need to stick with the people who make me happy and try to make bonds with people that make me feel happy and strong.”

Our impact

The impact the Butterfly Extra Programme has on the lives of the young people taking part speaks for itself. Having completed the project…

83% Impact

Felt more confident

82% Impact

Were more excited about the future

78% Impact

Had a plan for their life

The Gifted Blog

mindfulness blog

Our monthly blog covers a range of subjects such as; the benefits of mindfulness, how to be more confident, overcoming domestic abuse and more.

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