Do you work with Young People?

At The Gifted we deliver a range of exciting and unique programmes, including assemblies and creative workshops – in schools, colleges and alternative education settings.

Our projects and workshops are developed to help reach disadvantaged students at risk of exclusion.

Programmes for 11-25 year olds
Struggling to show your true potential?

The Gifted’s exciting and unique programmes, created for 11-25 year olds, will both inspire and empower you to excel and surpass your limitations.

Whether you’re in care, leaving care or custody, at risk of exclusion, or struggling with your self-esteem, The Gifted can help you.

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Our Programmes

Aged between 11 to 18 years? This six-week programme, primarily aimed at girls, is designed to increase confidence, raise aspirations and help you connect with others.


If your needs are a little more complex, we can still support you. The Butterfly Extra extends our Butterfly Project to between 8-12 sessions, either in a small group or as a 1-2-1 programme.

Manage stress and anxiety through crafts and creative expression. This programme is for all young people (non-gender specific) providing space to develop your creativity.


Do you have a business idea that could take off? This programme is for young women ages 16-25, designed to teach you enterprise skills. Helping you to become more employable.


Our Partners

Gifted Partner Children In Need
Gifted Partner Essex Community Foundation
Gifted Partner Hertfordshire Community Foundation
Gifted Partner The London Community Foundation
Gifted Partner Heritage Lottery Fund
Gifted Partner LACT
Gifted Partner The Fore


“I learned that things could be worse and how to express who I really am and I found out what makes me confident and happy and how to choose the right paths.”

PJ, 13

“Before these sessions I wanted to know how to cope with temporary bursts of self-hate. I have now learned how to acknowledge my own beauty and to talk to myself more positively.”

MM, 13



“I wanted to know how to feel confident and how to feel happy about myself, I now understand that I am beautiful on the inside, no matter what.”

DF, 13




“Before the sessions I wanted to learn how to feel better in myself and why girls cause drama. I have learned to be more grateful and to do more with my dad, and that I should love and be kinder to myself.”

KH, 13


“I wanted to know how to boost my self-confidence and get over bad memories. I have learned that there are some pretty things about me, and I now understand how to love and respect myself more. Everyone is pretty in their own way.”

NM, 13


“I felt insecure before the sessions and wanted to know how to feel beautiful and confident. Now I don’t care about what people have to say, they can go on with their lives. I know that there are always people out there that I can talk to who will listen.”

KA, 13


“I wanted to know how to be more confident and I have learnt not to let people’s words hurt me, and not to care about what people say, I have also learned that not all beauty is on the inside and how to accept my beauty and to ignore people’s negativity.”

A, 13


“I’ve learned not to listen to what people say and that no matter what people think, you’re always beautiful. Now I know how things can build up my self esteem and not to doubt myself, and to keep doing good things, not bad.”

AB, 14


“I have learned that my insecurities are great and that no matter what anyone says, I am beautiful, I need to stick with the people who make me happy and try to make bonds with people that make me feel happy and strong.”

AC, 13


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